Wednesday, October 29, 2008


The system is designed with such simplicity that once someone has been through the experience he or she should be able to do it again and again.
It is so simple that any group anywhere in the world who learns how to use the system can then become a regular user. Regular users will gain the advantage of the future which everyone will be having to catch up with some day.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Internet Video

Because of the accessibility of the Internet it is extremely easy to implement a session of GIVC. All that is required is a commitment from an individual teacher and support of the technology department to provide an Internet connection and some inexpensive hardware. Some imagination will also help.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


A benefit of the online classroom is that every session can be videotaped. The taped session is then available as a resource for later sessions. There will be a set of master lectures available.

Monday, October 6, 2008


The GIVC system is easily repeatable. If you have any idea for a practical usage of a remote teaching experience it will not be too much effort to implement the GIVC system to make the teachable moment happen.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Additional Resources

For additional resources I have provided a video of a CBS Channel 2 show, Different Drummers, where I spoke about the program while it was still in progress.

Also I have provided a ten-minute Video as the taste of the online sessions.