Thursday, October 20, 2011

Still too innovative

While there are signs of interest it seems the online world is not yet ready to embrace synchronous classrooms fully. The synchronous communications are still optional and usually face to face rather than via technology. Whoever starts the synchronous classroom will be the pioneer of the field.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Video clips will replace photographs.

Soon video clips will replace photographs. Already I am updating my own PowerPoint slides with PowerPoint animations. It is a small step to replace a photograph with animation. I have a number of animation projects underway and the more I do it the more I compare it to photo enhancements. This is just another type of photo enhancement.
I have designed a course to teach five minute modeling and am designing a course titled five minute animation.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Video has arrived

Video has arrived but it may take another ten years before it becomes widespread. It works but those who could employ video cannot agree on it's terms. It is interesting to watch the slow struggle from the lab to the boardroom. There was an initial rush but so many fingers got burnt that they are twice shy so it needs a new generation of leadership to arrive. There will be growing pains because the bottom line will overrule the quality and that will result in many false starts. We are in the false start era now. But it will take one or two high profile successes to open the floodgates. Usually it takes a few years before the right combination of need and seed germinate into something flourishing.