Tuesday, September 30, 2008

GIVC Design Principles

GIVC is a total learning solution, merging technology transparently to support sound educational goals such as learner involvement, learning facilitation, respect, immediacy, teamwork, and engagement.

GIVC provides global communication, intercultural and international education in a real-time synchronous learning environment.

GIVC offers easy cost-effective access to world-class expertise.

Monday, September 29, 2008

The Professional Setup

IT Department of most institutions should be able to install the hardware and software required. The professional packages available are from vendors such as Polycom and Sony. The systems are affordable and easily installed. The requirement is that the rooms that connect to each other either install the same vendor’s equipment or else ensure that the protocols are compatible and fully tested as installed.

Monday, September 22, 2008

What Software is required?

Once the hardware has been set up with an operating system and a browser that can access the Internet through a broadband wired or wire-less connection, the system can be tested by using any of a number of software programs that utilizes microphones and cameras.

Microsoft supplies Netmeeting so loading Netmeeting and testing its voice and camera abilities could be a start. It is always good to have extra software. Load one or more of the following: Live Messenger from Microsoft, Yahoo! Messenger from Yahoo, or Skype from Skype Limited.
Follow the installation instructions and testing instructions. In order to link up with the second classroom this process must be duplicated in another room and both classrooms should load the matching software. Each room should have an account with the matching vendor and once signed in can link up by connecting to each other.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

What Hardware is required?

Usually the IT department will install the equipment.

A Personal Computer is required with Internet access. A laptop with a wireless card could suffice.

A soundcard is required and a built in microphone and speaker may not have sufficient power to serve a large group, so an external speaker that is plugged in to a power source should have enough power boost to be heard by a large group. A sensitive microphone that can serve a group should be plugged in and situated in the center and toward the front of the room.
A wide angled camera should be plugged in and should have a view of the whole room. It will be helpful if it has a zoom and pan control since a fixed lens wide angle may show the room but not provide much clarity about who is speaking.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

What are the difficulties that can be encountered?

The major difficulties to overcome are technophobia and curriculum adaptation. Since curricula are not generally designed to account for a technology environment they have to be revised with a technology environment taken into account. The technology proficiency of the faculty is not a requirement but the technophobia can be a barrier.Both of these issues can be and have been addressed through faulty development processes.

What are the difficulties that can be encountered?

The major difficulties to overcome are technophobia and curriculum adaptation. Since curricula are not generally designed to account for a technology environment they have to be revised with a technology environment taken into account. The technology proficiency of the faculty is not a requirement but the technophobia can be a barrier.Both of these issues can be and have been addressed through faulty development processes.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

How easy is it to implement the GIVC system?

The GIVC system is easy to implement since it has been thoroughly documented. All of the implementation steps have been documented and shared with the original implementation team who tested and then conducted live online video sessions.

The GIVC team has been through the total process. This is a practical learning process.

Monday, September 8, 2008

What are the drawbacks for online video learning?

Research shows that conversations depend on eye clues and because of parallax; video conferencing produces false eye clues. Technologies are addressing this issue and in the classroom it has less of an impact because the structure is such that eye clues are not as dependent for facilitation of conversations.

The appearance consciousness reported by researchers is indicated to possibly fade with time on camera and the actual video sessions I participated in technology transparency practically eliminates appearance consciousness.

No smell or touch is available but touch and smell are not generally required unless the topic is specifically addressing those senses. In that case two samples can be available at the different sites and can be evaluated for compatibility by the facilitators.

The behavior is more structured so less whispered private interactions are possible because of the sensitivity of the microphones.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

What are the advantages of online video learning over traditional classroom learning?

The major advantage of the GIVC system is its cost-effectiveness. The technology equipment required is readily available from multiple vendors and has been through business and consumer testing.

Another major advantage is the time savings and efficiency that technology provides in online learning. Not only can guests participate without needing to be paid for travel and accommodation, they can use their own time efficiently.

The communication is two way and in real time.

Once the initial investment is made in equipment and training there are potentially huge financial savings possible.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

How does the online video classroom work?

GIVC operates like a normal classroom, utilizing best practices in learning theory, so if the video link were not present the learning process would still be beneficial. The additional component of adding the technology allows for more than one classroom to have access and to be equally involved in this beneficial best practices learning process.

The additional classroom requires an additional facilitator to coordinate the equipment and the interactions at the remote site.

When the two rooms are connected the classes can learn as a single unit since the major communication through auditory and visual means can occur synchronously in real time.