Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Mezirow's Transformative Learning

Transformative Learning operates on the learner's builtin schema. We all have schema's built up early in our life experience. New learning must attach to previous learning or the existing schema. Truly Transformative learning takes more work since it may involve rearranging the current schema in new ways to attach new learning. Usually we need precipitating events to shake us up to work on the schema. For example, people with privileged schemas must encounter a stark inequity at an emotional level before they might reconsider their automatically accepted privileges inn order to negotiate a more equitable balance of sharing privilege. GIVC provides that kind of cross cultural experiences.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Transformative Learning

Transformative learning is being transformed by the material and changing the schema or paradigm you have.
I recently was exposed to Transformative Teaching which was not fully explained but seems to follow the idea of tranformative learning but once executed by teachers who do not fully comprehend it becomes do as we do teaching. And the example I learnt from was a preschool or grade school teacher's processes.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Kolb's Experiential Learning

GIVC is designed with educational and technology theories in mind.
One such is Kolb's theory of experiential learning. There are four quadrants and each contributes to the learning through the conceptual understanding and finally "doing" or taking action. In the GIVC system a learner is part of a class where a new principle is introduced and the learner can understand the conceptual basis of the new learning and can ask questions with the aim to actually "doing something" to solidify the learning.

Monday, August 24, 2009

GIVC Advantages

One of the advantages of the GIVC program is that each session can be recorded. Those who could not attend can catch up on missed sessions. Those who attended can review and may see and hear points that they missed.

Another advantage for institutions is that it can build up a digital resource on current and recent topics.

For researchers the GIVC sessions will be invaluable as primary research resources.

Saturday, August 15, 2009


Angola is in the cards so Portuguese is a neccessity.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Planned expansion

Planned expansion for GIVC include Nigeria and Angola.
Soon it will be implemented through organizationsin these countries.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

GIVC 2009

Givc is scheduled again for September 2009. Let me know if you are in terested to participate.